
AI Powered Predictions

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Early Detection

Early Detection & Prevention

Screen Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. Screening for skin cancer can save your life. Screening for skin cancer is easy, and can be done anywhere, anytime. There are many ways to screen for skin cancer, but the easiest way is to use the ABCDE method:

  1. Asymmetry: Look for moles or spots on the skin that are not symmetrical.
  2. Border: Look for moles or spots with irregular borders.
  3. Color: Look for moles or spots that are not the same color all over.
  4. Diameter: Look for moles or spots that are bigger than a pencil eraser.
  5. Evolving: Look for moles or spots that have changed in size, shape, or color.

If you see a mole or spot that meets any of these criteria, see a doctor right away. Screening for skin cancer is quick, easy, and could save your life.

AI powered skin cancer detection is the future of health and medicine. Aptimyze health is leading the way in this emerging field with its easy to use app or web using a high resolution photo to our system. Using AI, the app guides users to take clinical-grade photos of their skin and then documents and tracks changes over time. This data is then used to help dermatologists determine which spots they need to take a closer look at. In just 10 minutes, you can be on your way to a healthier future.

Doctor and AI


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Heart Ailments

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Skin Cancer

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(925) 307-7975

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