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Interested in a Aptimyzehealth.io Demo?


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What is Aptimyzehealth.io?

We believe it shouldn’t be hard to stay connected with your doctor and monitor your health. That’s why we madeAptimyzehealth.Io, an AI-powered system that lets you take photos at home and gives you access to a doctor for remote skin screening. SkinIO will help connect you to the right care when you need it most — so you can focus on what matters most.

How to take pictures?

Aptimyzehealth.io is the first app to bring remote skin cancer screening to
consumers. Using a high resolution camera Upload the pictures using Aptimyzehealth.io App or the website, take a few close up photos. Our experts perform a detailed analysis of your moles and lesions. You will receive recommendations for follow-up by a doctor based on your photographed skin.

How does an AI algorithm work ?

Ans:Aptimyzehealth.io is an artificial intelligence-driven imaging platform that uses machine learning and image processing techniques to analyze your skin. It is not a diagnostic tool, but it can provide dermatologists with valuable information about your skin to help them make a diagnosis.

How can Aptimyzehealth.io help me?

Ans:Regular moles checks can not only catch melanoma early, but also keep you educated about what’s going on in your body and help you be proactive in looking after yourself. With Aptimyzehealth.io, we create a digital record of your skin health history so you can better monitor changes and share notes with doctors to determine if your moles are suspicious for skin cancer

How safe and secure are my pictures?

Ans: Yes! Our servers are protected by Amazon Web Services, who has certified that our data is encrypted and secure.

How do I submit my photo?

Click Doctor and AI —> Skin —-> Enter your details and upload your photo

Doctor and AI


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Heart Ailments

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Skin Cancer

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(925) 307-7975

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